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tv   ABC7 News at 900PM on KOFY  KOFY  October 30, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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can you see the house that is floating in the water? >> the storm is not yet over. there is still risks of flooding. risks of downed power lines, risks of high winds. >> dan: 48 dead and it is not over yet. president obama's grim warning as he prepares to hit areas that
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were hit hard by the storm. there were many areas struck hard by the sandy. this is the lobby of verizon company. a tanker ran aground. a parking lot full of yellow cabs. look at this image. a construction site sunk into a large hole. more than 8.2 million households without power in 17 states tonight and sandy is still not through. this thing is unbelievable. >> it's truly unbelievable. doppler radar image. you can see fewer areas right now. we see the precipitation. there is some openings and dry spots but still a massive storm that essentially covers the entire northeastern quadrant of the company. the center of that storm, waves of heavy rain, thunderstorms and snow. in fact parts of west virginia have received over 2 feet of
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snow since it move inland and in parts of pennsylvania, as well. we are seeing more dry areas now, but still some bands of heavy thunderstorms hitting parts of rhode island and in boston. band after band of activity. we'll keep tracking it for you. >> dan: we will see you shortly. helping in some rescues in new york, norcal team. one of paramedics left his four-week-old son to help those in need. one new jersey neighborhood 20 minutes west of central park. emergency responders saved 400 people today. that story from abc news reporter alex perez. >> rescuers made their way through flooded streets picking up stranded families.
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>> do you want to come out? >> so they could be trucked to safety. whole families in the back of trucks. >> we were able to go up by us. we had a baby. >> frantic rescue operation begin around midnight last night after sandy's storm surge swamped new jersey. >> within 15 minutes we had ten feet of water. >> stunned residents grabbed whatever they could as the waters rose. >> new jersey took the brunt of sandy's wrath. these images, neighborhoods consumed by sand and water. down the shore, look at this. the community of sea bright
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before sandy. sea bright today, just buried. atlantic city, scenes from above the iconic boardwalk now in ruins. recovery in the garden state just beginning, but today saving lives was the top priority. >> you can't walk, she can't walk but she is not injured and we're just waiting to reunite her with her daughter. >> first responders also racing to save lives in new york, boats navigating the streets of staten island across the street from manhattan. tirfied 3-year-old lifted into the arms of safety. rescue crews are expected to work through the night to make sure people that are stranded in their homes are able to get to safety. >> dan: one family said they moved their belongings four feet off the floor in their home. problem is they got five feet of water. so it all flooded. >> so many deaths and injuries
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have been caused by falling trees, crashing on to roads and into houses. some incredible video from people not knowing what they were about to see. here is david curly. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> 16-year-old taping it all from his window. first a neighbor's tree. then a tree snapped in their front yard. if that wasn't enough, one more. maybe there is no clear example than this, how soft of course soil can. soften soil and he saw the big tree go down. it's proven deadly. two boys were playing and watching tv in the family room
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when the hundred foot oak slammed into their home. a scene repeated across the country. these are pictures, trees falling across houses and pulling down plenty of power lines. in delaware today we watched doug and his crew working to get the power back on. >> trees and wires don't go together. >> for the most part, absolutely >> dan: around there is so much concern about trees in new york, that the mayor has closed central park for the time being. for all of the travelers, it's hope some of the backlog will be helped tonight. j.f.k. has reopened. bay area airports are hopeful that redeye flights will take off tonight starting in the next hour or two. let's hope that happens. however, look at this. laguardia's runway is lake. second major airport is flooded. just about everyone agrees it
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will take days to clear the flight backlog 50,000 passengers to be stranded around the world. >> red cross in the bay area is making an urgent plea for blood donations. they had to cancel hundred blood drives on the east coast. supplies are running very low. blood drives have been set up in northern california to help those back east. go to and click on see it on tv. >> we will continue to track this storm and remnants of it and the cleanup but move on to other news. >> walt disney company has made a blockbuster multibillion dollar deal. it has purchased the lucas film creator of the star war series. the price tag was four billion dollars. what it means for all of us. >> it is the film that started an empire. star wars, the company that
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disney is buying for more than $4 billion. with it promise of more adventures from luke sky walker and rdd two. >> they can expect star wars in 7 in 2015. >> they made the purchase official. because lucas has said six episodes has been enough to him. but he will serve as creative consultant but he is retiring and feelings that disney is the best to continue his legacy. >> i probably would have gotten more money if i competed. that is not the issue for me. it's making sure the film is secure and the property is secure and well taken care of. and best shot to continue in the future. >> kathleen kennedy will become the division president. >> we're all very excited about it. i feel very confident that kathy will be able to keep the
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franchise going in a way that i have wanted it to be. >> in addition to getting the rights to one of the greatest family franchises and epic stories, disney is also acquiring all of lucas operating businesses including industrial light and magic and sky walker sound. >> that means employees there become disney employees like us at abc7. he picked it because the company's success with other franchises, likes ixar. their animated films win acclaim and box office success. then three years later they bought marvel. it is about creativity. >> there will be more feature films and consumer projects, games and theme park attractions >> a lot there. that track record should revitalize lucas production. the force is now with disney.
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>> well, let's go giants! million people jammed san francisco and million more are expected tomorrow. they will have to be on their best behavior, too. city workers will be working through the night to get ready for tomorrow's huge celebration. parade is scheduled to begin at 11:00 a.m. at justin hermann plaza. it will head straight up market to civic center plaza. carolyn tyler with the preparations. >> david thompson is the master float builder. his reputation is being put to the test. 48 hours notice they haveshing s floats. the challenge is the parade is tomorrow. >> the parade is tomorrow and paint takes 24 hours to dry. we're more than nervous.
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>> billy philadelphia got the call yesterday that the giants want him to play the caliope while they wait for the parade to begin. >> i'm very grateful they called me. my stock went up with my wife and kids. >> they expected up to million fans to celebrate. just about every city department is involved in trying to make it a success. at city hall today. mayor combined the year of the giants with the year of the dragon and ceo larry bare. >> this is paper dragon that hosts a world series baseball that just represents the great fortune that giants have brought to the city. >> the celebration features new changes. the route will be a straight shot down marketed, no side streets for a better police enforcement. players will not ride on trolley cars. instead each will have his own
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convertible. as those cars along market, the high school band will march. they rehearse their numbers today which include the party rock anthem. >> dan: everybody is getting ready. police chief greg suhr says san francisco is taking every step possible. that is in response in the mayhem on the victory on sunday night including the burning of a muni bus. 35 people were arrested. nine why charged today. san francisco's district attorney says they will vigorously prosecuted, too. police will have rapid response and medical strike teams ready to go. muni will have its own rapid response team. >> if you are coming to act out, don't come, you will be arrested
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and prosecuted. there is no way to ring in the giants' second world championship. >> dan: the man police say it was badly beaten is he treated for severe head trauma. there is a lot more to come for you this tuesday night. as we continued, we have showing a san jose man taking down the campaign signs of his wife's president obama's. he doesn't deny it. what he has to say. in the middle of super storm sandy, a pregnant woman in labor and the hospital loses power twice and a very special delivery. lucky bay area students played catch with an oakland raider. the advice he had. and bay area outfielder
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>> dan: there are new allegations in an expensive city council race in san jose. hard fought campaign comes as rose herarra have supported reforms and they want her
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defeated. now karina rusk reports. >> sunday night shows what appears to be matt wallin the husband of rose herrarra taking down a campaign sign of his wife's opponent. they are fighting for her reelection released the video and says the flash signs have been turning up in area trashcans. >> there is no reason to be dumping signs after midnight in a secluded park. >> in heated campaign he has taken down and thrown away what he considers to be illegally placed campaign signs. >> i was just tired of seeing these things put up where there was no permission. >> accusation take another turn on video. they call wallin a second time on monday and there was a confrontation [ bleep ].
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>> get away from me. >> they say her husband lunged at me. >> i kept moving backwards. he says he has a knife right here. he pulled something out of his pocket. i jump back and i turned around and ran. >> he says he was only trying to defend himself after he was he was assaulted first. >> i was knocked down. i was walking around this corner and somebody hit me in my shoulder and i went to the ground. >> he has minor injuries and filed a police report. they say wallin was never knocked to the down. they say the ugly episode have answered questions about disappearing campaign signs. >> it had to be somebody supporting her. >> she stands by her husband and videotape calls a setup. >> it's a cowardly act, knocking
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him to the ground. >> an investigation may get to the back and forth accusations but probably not before tuesday's election. >> dan: a surfer is hospitalized in fair condition after he was bitten by a shark. witnesses say they heard the surfer calling for help. here a picture of surfboard. an emergency medical technician happened to be on beach at the time. he applied pressure on to his wounds until an ambulance arrived. they say the surfer had four-foot long gashes from his ribs below his hips. when you look at that board you can sense the power and size of that shark. >> that is discretionary. -- that is scary. >> we worry about the parade. >> it will be rain free and trick-or-treaters. here is a live rui sfroo roof camera. looking along the embarcadero
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down toward embarcadero center, you can see a little moisture in the air. we have fog around the coast and pushing across the bay. here is another view of that fog on live doppler 7-hd. we do expect clouds and fog to increase during the overnight hours. these are the current temperature readings. 56 in san francisco. 53 in antioch. not very cool evening yet, but a little cool overnight. we can expect fog and drizzle overnight. cloudy day for the parade, a rainy night tomorrow evening. rain will arrive in the daytime hours in the north bay. overnight fog and drizzle likely along coastal points as well as on parts of peninsula down to the santa cruz mountains. it won't be widespread but it will be wet. low temperatures in the low 50s. satellite image shows high
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pressure weakening losing control. cold front is approaching. that will bring us rain starting tomorrow afternoon. forecast animation will begin at 5:00 in the morning at that point we'll have spotty drizzle. low clouds and some higher clouds. here comes the cold front from the northwest that will bring rain into the north bay in the early afternoon hours, around 1:00 or so. then about 6:00 p.m. or later, around sunset time, rain will spread down into san francisco and over into some parts of the east bay, as well. if you haven't done your trick-or-treating before 6:00 p.m. you are likely to do it under wet conditions. rain continues into thursday and thursday morning, 5:00 beginning rush hour, lots of wet spots. they will be slow to taper off early evening on tuesday. rainfall totals could be impressive up to to an inch and
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a half in the north bay mountains. an inch or less in the remainder of the bay area. here is a look. it will start to get wet in the north bay so it will be cooler there. low 60s. most of the remainder bay area will see highs mid to upper 60s to about 70 about antioch and livermore. south, rain will be later to arrive. highs around monterey bay, upper 60s. here is the seven-day forecast. we start to dry out on friday. we start warming up over the weekend. by monday, inland highs back in the low 80s. we fall back to standard time saturday night and sunday morning. don't forget to set your clocks back. >> weather looks nice. thank you very much. coming up here next, crime never pays but sometimes why angel
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pays but s[ laughter ] angel [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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helps him deposit his checks. jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car. mother nature's cool like that. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. >> dan: giants outfielder angel paganwore a different uniform today. number 31 had on the taco bell t-shirt today. he at one point he even asked what if i don't get it right. he got it right. workers pagan took orders at drive-thru. >> my agent called me and told me it was very important one. i wanted a taco for everybody. i feel happy that i brought everybody together in united states and great moment for all of america.
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>> dan: you may remember the ads. promising that the major league player stole a base everybody would be treated to a taco. he delivered. so people here started lining up at taco bell in redwood city to get a glimpse of pagan and get that free taco. >> flee taco not just me but the whole united states. >> that is what i'm talking about, yeah! >> and public schools in san francisco wouldn't be shut down tomorrow and superintendent wants to make sure they don't skip school to see the parade. he sent home a letter to send kids to class. if they don't show up the state won't give the district the full funding. >> if you are planning to attend the parade, public
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transportation is the best way to get there. bart will be on rush hour schedule all day long. caltrain will run extra trace, muni will add buses but some will be rerouted around the parade route and golden gate ferry will be adding service. we will carry it online and ipad app so you can watch it at work. our coverage begins at 11:00 a.m. still ahead tonight, you will hear from a bay area woman that was sold for sex. why the bay area is now a hot spot for human trafficking. sandy's surge becomes the scourge of downtown manhattan. dozens of pg&e workers pack up and leave, they%blñw
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>> dan: back to super storm sandy. when the power went out in a new york city hospital, smallest patients were at biggest risk. they turned to being as pumping air into tiny lungs to keep them alive. >> we arrived, all you could see is the outline of the hospital. as doctors and nurses rushed from patient to patient. ambulances as we approached the hospital, one of nearly 300 patients that were brought out and taken to safety. from the sky. we are learning more about the lights went out the when the critical machines, respirators stopped.
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>> first concern, the baby in intensive care, 20 of them. this nurse clutching a newborn, holding a plastic bag. she was doing the work of a respirator herself. they were doing what they call bagging the air. squeezing bags of air. cradling the baby and carrying them nine floors down. another baby dwarfed by the size of gurney. the bag was placed with oxygen and entire team surrounding one baby. a hospital source they did the moment the power was cut off divided into teams, carefully bringing them down and carrying them on plastic sleds and flashlights is all they had to see their way. >> there is literally a bunch of people that go with each patient. >> they were pulled out on the sled sliding on the floor.
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one by one we watched. still evacuating long after the sun came up. >> 10:00 a.m. there is a line of ambulances all the way up the street. this operation has been going on for 12 hours. you can see them lining up at the front of the hospital as they carefully bring the patients down. >> 15 hours, they were done. president had learned of the heroic nurses and newborns. >> during the darkness of the storm we saw what is brightest in america. nurses at the hospital carrying fragile newborns to safety. >> it's remarkable what the nurses and doctors were able to do when the respirators and machines failed they furnished to handheld bags pumping air into the tin any newborns alive. we know that every one of patients have now been taken to six area hospitals. as of last word everyone is doing okay.
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>> dan: four of the women rescued from the hospital were pregnant and deep into labor. they were transported in a device like you saw n at david's piece. the red contraption. wife of one of those women sau described it. >> we laid on the floor, put around her and tightened her. then about five women pulled her down and sort of pulled her down. meanwhile, she had had an epidural in her back. >> have you decided to use the name sandy. [ laughter ] >> we have not. >> they probably won't but doctors and nurses do what they do so well. >> dan: subways in new york are
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paralyzed. chris cuomo on the lifeline that devastated by the flooding. >> we went into the lib rinth of debris and water and damage that are the city's subways with mta officials. >> what percentage of the railways that we need are under water. >> we have 46 miles of track currently underwater. >> the biggest problem lies beyond the turnstiles. >> these are stairs. we are two levels up. >> we are talking about 50-60 feet. >> they have to pump out the water and repair signals on 50 miles o track. in joe's eyes, not concern but confidence. >> how many men? >> 1600 men. >> like a small army. >> we will roll with it. it's part of our job. >> dan: as we head earlier, 8 million people are without power
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in 17 states. utility crews are being dispatched from around the country to help turn the lights back on. pg&e sent 150 people from california and they are bringing trucks with them. some are flying on 747 so they can get there quickly. their assignment could be three days, maybe three weeks. it doesn't matter to them. they are eager to help out. vince brown. >> as far as the crews go, they are really ready to jump in and do whatever they can. >> we are expected to have broken linings, broken poles, transformers destroyed. a mess. >> dan: they are ready to deal with it. most of teams have helped other agencies before. teams are expected to arrive in new york and hit the ground running. >> abc news will air a one hour special report tonight at 10:00
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over on abc7 before our late news on channel 7. hope you can tune in for that. now to your voice, your vote. one initiative on the ballot that is not getting a lot of attention. it's aimed at fighting sex trafficking. contrary to what many americans think, its major problem in the united states, especially here in the bay area. tonight we give you a look at what it is all about. >> he a college graduate with a bright future but she begin life battling drugs and violence. >> third time i ran away from home was at the age of 14. that is when i met my first trafficer. >> she was vulnerable and man exploited her knew what to do. >> saying things, i love you more than your parents do. because i didn't feel loved by my parents because of some of the things i had experienced as a child. it wasn't hard for me to believe
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that. >> they met in san francisco but lea was part of a group of girls driven all over california and nevada to be sold as sex. man that said he loved her now said she was worthless. >> i would always be in that life because that is what they tell you. >> she suffered four years of abuse, physical and mental. >> to digs associate what you are experiencing. >> the district attorney says the story is shockingly common and the bay area is hub. >> we're talking about what is happening right here on our streets with our children. >> that is why nancy says it's time for proposition 35. >> we need to change attitudes. we need to change the law. we need to increase protection for people who are being trafficked. >> it will increase penalties from human trafficking to 12 years to life with fines up to
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$1.5 million. law officers would be required to two hours of training in human trafficking and convicted trafficker would have to register as a sex offender. >> it's to stop the victimization of children and women being treated as slaves. >> prop 35 is supported by a long list. it's financed by more than $2 million from former facebook executive chris kelly. opposition is led by the erotic service providers legal education and research project. >> it will not bring any protection to sex traffick victims. it's not based on any evidence that shows it works. the evidence shows that education is what is a bigger deterrent. >> they believe prop 35 of sex trafficking is too broad. >> we think it's anti-prostitution piece of legislation under the guise of
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rescuing victims. >> the aclu is against them because it requires all sex offenders to register online screen names with law enforcement. they say it infringes on right to free speech. other opponents says it doesn't do enough to help victims. >> we think traffick victims shouldn't be arrested for prostitution first to be identified as victims. >> lea was one of those victims but she is supporting prop 35 and reconciled with her mother who posed for this photo. >> the look on her face, yeah, it's been a long time coming. >> dan: lea was rescued by church outreach workers. she has founded her own organization. we have links to that group and both sides of the debate if you would like to learn more at
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♪ [ slurps ] aah! oh! oh! oh! [ chomps ] ahh! [ male announcer ] cinnamon toast crunch. part of this good breakfast. crave those crazy squares™. ♪
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now all general mills big g kid cereals have more whole grain than any other ingredient in cereals like lucky charms and cinnamon toast crunch, the delicious way to help them grow up strong.
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>> dan: breaking news in the south bay, a police standoff in the city of santa clara. they have surrounded an apartment building near saratoga where they think a bank robbery suspect is holed up. we'll have more at 11:00 on channel 7:00. >> now a bay area high school band has received a royal invitation. ♪ >> dan: san jose's oak grove high school marching band will perform in london and rome in 2014. they will take part in special parade in both cities. students will be ready for their
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european debut. >> what kind of caliber band we'll take to london. >> two to help fund the trip, the band will hold several fund-raisers. band director is kicking it all off by auctioning off a car. what a great opportunity for those young people. speaking of opportunities for young people, as we continue, bay area students got a terrific lesson on foot
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>> dan: today terrell pr yor was able to launch a few passes. he played with these middle schoolers. they go to barack obama adding a
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school for troubled youth. he talked about growing up poor and friends and family make the wrong choices in life. >> they have ten seconds to decide, is this going to be good thing or not. if it's not good, walk away. >> dan: he donates a lot of his time to community. a mentor took him under the wing out of 12. so, now he is paying back. nice gesture on his part. spencer christian has the forecast. >> good thoughtful advice. doppler radar, view of the storm that was hurricane sandy is still a super storm. you can see the wide expanse of circulation around the storm. bands of showers and thunderstorms and snow over a large portion of northeastern u.s. it will continue to do so for the next couple days. rain developing in the north bay. most of the remainder of the bay area will be dry until early
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evening. high temperatures in the 60s up to about 70 in inland east bay. how about the giants victory parade tomorrow. most of the day will be partly sunny to mostly cloudy. temperatures from mid 50s to low 60s. parade will get under way under dry weather. seven-day forecast, it will be a wet halloween night for the entire bay area. showers lingering on thursday and drying out friday, warming up over the weekend and which you should set clocks back. >> dan: i solved the problem, i'm dressing as an umbrella whor halloween. >> we will all get under your wing. >> dan: larry beil is here for sports. >> that is news you can use. i'm going as sandoval.
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>> baseball season is over outside the parade and awards. man known as the man,%blñw
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>> dan: coming up a the 11:00, trouble in an east bay jail. lockdown is over and investigation into what happened begins. we'll have the latest on that. we told you about the shark attack, you'll hear from a with it. those stories over on channel 7. larry is here with all the sports. >> the giants, of course, they won, news leader. tomorrow and parade and a's had a terrific season and josh reddick was named a gold glove winner. reddick turned into spider-man in the right field climbing the walls with regularity to make incredible catchs. he is first one since dwayne murphy.
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and perfect game in 2010, he waived he would not accept a deal. brayden had shoulder a little is free agent and could return to the a's if he doesn't get an offer he likes. celebration of the world series by the giants, special moment in the broadcast, not heard. john miller the lead announcer, and he was calling the game including the final out. >> romo, 2-2 pitch. cabrera and three three call. giants have the win. >> one of the best moments. he had a graciously offered to step aside and let miller call the final out in detroit. >> i turned to john in the commercial, john, do you want to do this? you should do the final out call. john said, absolutely not this is your inning, you got to do
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it. that was it. that was the conversation we had. pretty gracious of him to let me do that. nearly perfect, alex smith completed 18 of 19 passes last night. they hammered the cardinals. jim harbaugh dismisses all the chatter, it was gobble, gobble turkey talk. smith said he knew all along where his confidence was. >> look at my closet. i found it. [ laughter ] >> i think it's special. you only play once a week and all the days in between. it's part of the deal. >> warriors open the season tomorrow night in phoenix, not clear will andrew will make his debut. he was acquired in a blockbuster deal last season. injured at the time and dried to come back from -- tried to come back. he did participate but it
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doesn't sound like jackson is ready to put bogen in the line-up. >> this is what we're dealing with. we're going to be very cautious when he steps on the floor. we'll be smart with this understanding we need it for the long haul. >> miami, hosting the celtics and they got their rings. ray allen, kevin garnet there. and alan made his first shot. racked up 19 points. here is lebron with chris bosh, got a little testy on the drive with rondo, a foul. nice to see an most in it game one. hoet heat opened with a win. lakers with steve nash and
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dwight howard. nash starting off his lakers' career knocking down a three. they are running this new princeton offense. it works right here but watch, here is the mavs bliag without dirk nowitzki. >> and eddie curry, where he has he been? mavericks are leading the lakers 86-73 at the staples center. i don't like that offense. give steve nash and let him do what he does. >> dan: that is this edition of "abc 7 news" at 9:00. for all of us. giants won the world series. thanks for watching. appreciate yourim


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